Annex OneData-Entry Questionnaire (Annotated)The online questionnaire comprises 18 questions to be completed in three sections: 1. Project Information and Budget 2. Disbursements 3. Development Effectiveness & Additional Information The text below is designed to guide the data-entry process and the Glossary (Annex Four) is also useful. When entering data, users can also refer to the on-line help that is available by clicking the button. Note that the only mandatory field is the name of the project. Users should, however, attempt to complete all fields and should contact the Database Administrator or their CRDB desk officer for guidance and support if necessary. Background information Date questionnaire completed: [Note: The Current date is entered automatically] Currency used throughout questionnaire: [Note: Use the Drop-down menu to select the currency in which disbursements will be recorded by the donor] I. Program/Project Information 1. Donor Programme/Project Number [Note: Development partners are requested to enter their own code/number for the project] Co-Funding No: To be entered by RGC. [Note: This number is assigned by the Database Administrator. It is important that Co-Funding Number is entered as this is used to identify co-funding arrangements and support preparation of the Public Investment Programme. If an on-going project has no Co-Funding number, the development partner focal point is requested to contact the Database Administrator] IDP No: To be entered by RGC. [Note: This number is assigned by the Database Administrator. IDP number serves similar function as Co-Funding number, but the purpose is to support preparation of Public Investment Programme of the Industrial Development Policy 2015-2025. If an on-going project has no IDP number, the development partner focal point is requested to contact the Database Administrator] 2. Official Title [Note: THE ONLY MANDATORY FIELD. Enter the name that appears on the Project Document]
3. Is this project/programme co-funded? [Note: If yes, then the name of the implementing partner should be selected from the drop-down box (note that this field is automatically linked to question 17). Note the difference between parallel funding (2 or more donors financing a programme separately) and co-financing, in which one donor manages funds on behalf of others. CRDB/CDC focal points should ensure that co- funding should also be indicated in the Co-Funding number by either an 'L' to denote the lead partner or a 'P' to denote a co-funding/delegating partner]
4. Programme/Project Objectives [Note: Free text area to describe the project, its objectives and to note any important details. Detailed information on implementing partners, beneficiaries and projected outputs is appreciated]
5. Programme/Project Approval Date [Note: Approvals are considered to be made on the date the loan or grant agreement is signed. Co-funding agreements that are signed after a project has started should refer to the start/end dates of the original programme/project (the commitment date), not to the date of the agreement to co-finance. The budget table (question 14: Disbursements and Projections by Type of Assistance) will automatically make available the years entered in question 5. This question also links to Question 17, Output 1, Part 2: For Project Approved.]
6a. Project Status [Note: Select from: Completed, On-going, Suspended; Pipeline. See Glossary (Annex Four) for details.]
6b. COVID-19 Response Question (Is the project designed (new project) or adapted (on-going project) to support national response to COVID-19?) Please check “Yes” for a new project or existing project that has been reprogrammed, reprioritised, or repurposed to contribute to COVID-19 response. Then choose one of the given options: (1) Emergency Response (2) Socio-economic development. Otherwise, please check “No”.
[Note: Please refer to Annex Five for the definitions]
7. Was a Programme/Project Document or an equivalent document signed with Government ministry(ies) and/or agency(ies) [Note: In the case of a co-funded project, only the lead development partner is required to enter this information. If "Yes", use the Drop-down menu to identify the RGC ministry or agency.]
8. Is the primary implementing agency for the Programme/Project a government institution, a development partner, an NGO/CSO or another organisation? [Note: Use the drop-down menu to identify the main implementing partner by type and by name. Users are encouraged to identify only the primary implementing partner; although the facility does exist to indicate more than one partner if this is unavoidable. The primary partner is the main interlocutor or implementer that the development partner will dialogue with regarding implementation and progress and monitoring.]
9. Is this Programme/Project part of a broad Sector/Thematic Programme? [Note: See Annex Four for a definition. Use the Drop-down menu that provides standardized names of the programme-based approaches identified by RGC.]
i. Agriculture & Water ii. Climate Change iii. Education Support Programme iv. Gender (economic empowerment and/or GBV) v. Health Support Programme vi. Land Management vii. Mine Action / Clearing for Results viii. Public Financial Management ix. Strategic Framework for Development Cooperation Management x. SNDD (PSDD, NRML, Other D&D) xi. Trade SWAp xii. Water & Sanitation
10. List all the Technical Working Groups that play some coordinating function in the management of this project/programme, or in which this project/programme otherwise participates or is represented. [Note: Use the Drop-down menu giving standardized names of the 20 TWGs]
11. Total Programme/Project Budget [Note: The total budgeted figure, disaggregated by RGC and external sources should be indicated. Figures should be entered as units, i.e. 1 million should be entered as 1000000 without any comma.]
12. Terms of Assistance [Note: Indicate the loan/grant status and provide required details.]
13. Planned budget allocation/expenditure for each year of the Programme/Project duration (based on Project Document). [Note: Figures should be entered as units, i.e. 1 million should be entered as 1000000. In the case of a co-funded project, only the lead development partner is required to enter this information. The total project/programme funding requirements should be indicated based on the signed project document budget (or agreed revisions) together with total committed funding from all development partner sources.] Co-Financing Arrangements [Note: To avoid double-counting errors that can arise if both the lead development partner (the implementing partner) and the contributing donor (the source of funds) record their commitments and disbursements, each co-financing partner must record only their own contribution from their own core funds in the Cambodia ODA Database. This section of the Database, which is only active for co-financed projects/programmes, records total commitments (defined as the full amount of funding, often intended for disbursement over a period of years that is made available to the project/programme. In exceptional cases, multilateral and UN agencies may report non-core funds that are made available from other sources at their headquarters for disbursement in Cambodia as their own core funds, especially if the original funding source is unlikely to record the disbursements that are made. Wherever possible, the original funding source should be consulted to confirm that there is no double-counting.]
Lead implementing development partners are asked to identify all committed funds.
Co-financing/delegating development partners are asked only to identify their own funding commitment. REMEMBER TO SAVE
EACH SECTION BEFORE PROCEEDING OR EXITING DISBURSEMENTS AND PROJECTIONS BY TYPE OF ASSISTANT 14.Record the data in the reporting currency used for this record [Note: In the case of co-financed projects/programmes, all development partners should record their own disbursement/projections in the "own resources" cells while the lead development partner should also complete the column "other sources" on behalf of other development partners for actual disbursements (this will facilitate data validation and reconciliation). All development partners should enter data regarding their own projections for the outer years. Please note that RGC contribution is not co-funding and should not be therefore recorded in “Other Sources.” See the Glossary (Annex Four) for definitions of types of development assistance.] Users MUST remember
to save the data using the button Disbursements and Projections by Sector and Activity
15a. Use the drop-down menus to enter the amount disbursed (in reporting currency) to each sector and sub-sector.
[Note: Indicate both the sector and sub-sector, using "Other" only where no suitable sub-sector exists. However, please consult with CRDB desk officers before selecting “Other.” By selecting a sector, the associated sub-sectors become available for selection. See Annex Two for a full list of sectors/sub-sectors. Multiple sectors and sub-sectors can be identified for each project.]
15b. Cross-cutting thematic markers: In addition to the sectors receiving financial support, identified in 15a above, many projects have additional objectives that may not be funded as a "sector" (for example, climate change, gender, or private sector development mainstreaming). Indicate in the appropriate radio buttons the additional objectives associated with this project and the (subjective) extent of support provided.
[Note: Indicate in the table by clicking the radio button for other activities that the project addresses as a secondary component and that have NOT been identified in the sector disbursement figures 15a.]
15c. Contribution to the Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals (CSDGs) Reference to the sector(s) chosen in 15a, many projects may also contribute to the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development. Indicate the percentage of total project budget that contributes to the Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals as listed in Annex Six.
[Note: Indicate in the table by filling the percentages based on activities or programme budget that support CSDGs. Choose NO more than three goals and the total percentage shall NOT exceed 100%.]
15d. Contribution to National Social Protection Policy Framework (NSPPF) In addition to the sector(s) receiving financial support identified in 15a above, many projects are classified under the National Social Protection Policy Framework (NSPPF). Indicate below the sub-sectors of the NSPPF that the project supports. For example, the project titled School Feeding Programme should be recorded in the Education Sector in 15(a). Since this programme also falls into NSPPF, please choose sub-sector “Social Assistance: Human Capital Development” in question 15(d). III. Target Geographic Location(s) of Program/Project Activities 16. Indicate the allocation of total programme/project resources across provinces for the entire project period.
[Note that national projects are 'nation-wide' and should not be recorded as located in Phnom Penh. Also note that the allocation of resources required is for the whole project duration, not for annual disbursements. This recognises the difficulty in providing this kind of data on an annual basis (a one-time estimation for the duration of the project is a broadly acceptable proxy when aggregated across many hundreds of projects).] IV. Development Effectivess Indicators 17. The following information on ODA-supported programmes and projects will be used to report on progress in implementing the Development Cooperation & Partnerships Strategy (2019-2023) as well as for monitoring the global development effectiveness indicators agreed in Busan as part of the Global Partnership.
[Note: see the note developed for this exercise that provides further details and explanation [http://cdc-crdb.gov.kh/en/global.php?id=7]
-Who is the implementing or "Point of Delivery" partner that makes the final disbursement to the national partner?
[Note: the response is automatically generated based either on the response to question 3 – co- funding – or on the name of the record-keeper. See the Glossary (Annex Four) for the definition of point of delivery.]
[Note: Answering the question above will allow the data to be filtered to facilitate routine monitoring in a manner that is consistent with the format agreed by the OECD/DAC Working Party. It will also be possible to produce reports for local purposes that consider the whole ODA profile by funding source.]
Output 1: - Is the result framework associated with this project directly linked to a Government sector/thematic/reform results framework? £ YES £ NO - Is the assistance provided by this project included as support to the Public Sector? £ YES £ NO
For Project Approved in 2017 a) How many
results (outcome) indicators are included in the project's results
framework? ____________ Output 2: Budget Execution System
YES NO Does this project use the Government's procurement system? YES NO Output 3:
Fully tied V. Contact Details and Additional Comments VI. Attachment of Project Document(s) To assist in data accuracy, development partner’s data focal points are kindly requested to ensure that CDC has a copy of every signed project document, especially the results framework. |