IntroductionThe Cambodia ODA Database has been developed to provide a single data-entry point for all development cooperation in Cambodia. The ODA Database provides a practical tool to promote and monitor the alignment of ODA with the priorities of the National Strategic Development Plan (NSDP) and the development effectiveness principles included in the Development Cooperation and Partnerships Strategy. These objectives are consistent with global commitments articulated in the Busan development effectiveness Global Partnership (2011) and in line with the financing of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
The ODA Database objectives are to: § record all development cooperation to Cambodia from all external sources § promote effective planning, budgeting and management of external resources § support empirical analysis and the provision of practical policy-relevant advice § provide public access to information on development cooperation provided to Cambodia
At a strategic level, the ODA Database is a fully integrated part of the national system for managing development partnerships. This ensures that a more evidence-based approach can be taken to promoting development effectiveness and to monitoring the contribution of external cooperation to achieving the development results that are envisaged in the NSDP. At a sector or working group level, the ODA Database can therefore support routine reporting, information sharing and coordination functions that are intended to promote dialogue and the development of more effective cooperation practices.
Project details that can be extracted from the ODA Database include the following: § Name of project, duration, start/end dates, status § Financial details including total committed funding and disbursement profiles § Partnership arrangements for co-financiers and implementing partners § Sector details (including use of programme-based approaches) § Location details of where the project is being implemented § Use of technical cooperation (TC) § Projected disbursements over the medium-term (to enhance predictability) § Automated development effectiveness (Busan) indicator monitoring § Information on TWGs and implementing partners § Customised TWG reporting capability (especially for the education sector) § Support to the CSDGs and to cross-cutting issues (gender, climate change, and private sector development)
In the ODA Database, the user is able to aggregate and format this project data to provide a range of reports that include: § Total commitments and/or disbursements by development partner / sector § Projected disbursements by development partner / sector § Project activity by sector/sub-sector, location or Technical Working Group (TWG) § Development effectiveness (Busan Declaration) monitoring by development partner/sector § Disbursements by donor or sector to CSDGs, the IDP or markers such as gender The purpose of this ODA Database Manual is to guide the user so that s/he is able to access the ODA Database, enter/view data and generate reports