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Cross-cutting Thematic Markers: Climate Change

Guidance for the Use of the Climate Change Thematic Marker

Please estimate what % of the budget (or expected results/benefits) of your project are related to climate change mitigation or adaptation, and use the table below as guidance for choosing your marker:

% of the project budget or project results/benefits that relate to CC mitigation or adaptation

Corresponding rating in the climate change marker


Significant climate change relevance


Moderate climate change relevance


Minor climate change relevance


No climate change relevance


If you do not have an estimate of the % climate relevance of your project, please use the table below as guidance. The table is based on case studies of climate relevant projects in Cambodia.

Default Ratios for Climate Change relevance of development activities in Cambodia

CC Weight

Standard Type of Activities

Weighting between

50% -100%

CC adaptation guidelines and technical regulations

Policy/planning and monitoring of the CC response at all levels

Climate change Impact assessment and climate change projections

Climate change capacity development and awareness raising / education

Coastal protection and coastal dyke against sea level rise

Protection against saline intrusion in coastal zone

10% to 49%

Hydrometeorology, early warning

Livelihood improvement targeting communities affected by climate change


River dyke and embankments

Water quality and supply

Rural development and food security

Forest conservation and development

Residential and city area resilience to extreme weather events

Public health and social services targeting communities affected by climate change and/or climate-sensitive diseases (vector-bone / water-borne / health impacts of extreme weather events and increasing temperatures)

Water management and treatment

Disaster specific infrastructure

Strengthening disaster risk reduction

Weighting between 2% to 9%

Policy, tax and incentive structure for climate change mitigation / GHG reduction

Sectoral GHG reduction plans and coordination between bodies

Technology for energy efficiency and low GHGs emission

Transportation (reducing exposure of infrastructures to flood)

Energy generation in new model for energy saving

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency in industry and construction

Contribution to GHG emission reduction in tourism

less than

e.g. Transportation in general

e.g. Normal Infrastructure and construction with no indication of climate proofing or climate change mitigation measures