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Annex Six

Cross-cutting Thematic Markers: Gender

Guideline on Gender Mainstreaming in ODA

Ministry of Women’s Affairs (MoWA) 2020


There are two key areas of ODA to work on gender equality and women’s empowerment in Cambodia: 1) Gender Equality as a principal sector and 2) Gender Mainstreaming as a thematic marker.

1.      Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment as a principal sector and sub-sectors

(i)     Legal and Policy Framework to promote gender equality, women’s empowerment and women’s right

(ii)    Gender research, Statistic, and M&E system and framework

(iii)    Mechanisms, Networking and Partnership to promote gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment 

(iv)   Accountability and Gender Responsive Investments

(v)    Positive Public Behavior towards to the promotion of gender equality and women’s right. 


2.     Guideline on gender mainstreaming as a thematic marker (% of each marker)

Four levels of gender analyses in sectors: i. Gender-blind, ii. Gender-sensitive, iii. Gender-responsive, and iv. Gender-transformative

(i)  Gender-blind: disbursements made without a gender analysis or any gender sensitivity promotion activities.

(ii) Gender-sensitive: 1) Gender awareness and gender mainstreaming capacity development activities, 2) Conduct gender analysis or gender assessment within the project/programme.

(iii) Gender-responsive:  1) Based on a gender analysis, these expenditures are intended to provide different responses to meet the practical needs of men and women. 2) Budget aimed at strengthening the gender machinery, for instance through capacity building and expertise of Gender Mainstreaming Action Group (GMAG) in line ministries or in partner institutions and women’s leadership programme.

(iv) Gender-transformative: With the clear approach to support gender-sensitive and responsive above, the programme or project has specific actions targeting changing gender gap in the sector, gender relations and roles. (See examples). The expenditures address the strategic interests of women and men (strategic gender need) and aim to contribute to long term structural and sustainable changes in societies to promote gender equality.


Some examples of specific actions targeting to changing gender gaps in sectors in Cambodia:


How to score the levels of ODA Mainstreaming to Gender as a thematic marker




(i)     Gender-blind

Disbursements made without a gender analysis.

In order to address gender issues in the project and programme cycle, the gender analysis is the foundation stage to assist the gender issue/gap in order to inform the scope, specific areas/cases of the gap and the major gender impact.


(ii)   Gender-sensitive

Two stages/components to define gender-sensitive:

  • Gender awareness and gender mainstreaming capacity development activities including trainings and workshops (1-10%)
  • Conduct gender analysis or gender assessment within the project/programme (primary or secondary analysis) (1-10%)


 1% - 20%

(iii) Gender-responsive

Three stages/components of gender-responsive:

  • Based on a gender analysis, these budgets are intended to provide different responses to meet the practical needs of men and women. (1-10%)
  • Strengthen the gender machinery, for instance through capacity building and expertise of Gender Mainstreaming Action Group (GMAG) in line ministries or in partner institutions (1-20%)
  • Support women’s leadership in line ministries (women leadership training, networking (1-10%)
  • Support to establish gender research, statistic, and M&E system and framework in line ministries (1-20%)

21% - 50%


(iv)  Gender-transformative

Gender-transformative is the highest level of gender mainstreaming. Three stages or groups below:

  • Address in the level ii and iii. (50%)
  • Specific actions targeting changing gender gap in the sector including relations and roles. (see the example) (1-30%)
  • The expenditures address the strategic interests of women and men aim to contribute to long term structural and sustainable changes in societies to promote gender equality. (1-20%)


51% - 100%


Level of ODA Mainstreaming to Gender


Cross-cutting Thematic Markers: Climate Change


Guidance for the Use of the Climate Change Thematic Marker

Please estimate what % of the budget (or expected results/benefits) of your project are related to climate change mitigation or adaptation, and use the table below as guidance for choosing your marker:

% of the project budget or project results/benefits that relate to CC mitigation or adaptation

Corresponding rating in the climate change marker


Significant climate change relevance


Moderate climate change relevance


Minor climate change relevance


No climate change relevance


If you do not have an estimate of the % climate relevance of your project, please use the table below as guidance. The table is based on case studies of climate relevant projects in Cambodia.

Default Ratios for Climate Change relevance of development activities in Cambodia

CC Weight

Standard Type of Activities

Weighting between

50% -100%

CC adaptation guidelines and technical regulations

Policy/planning and monitoring of the CC response at all levels

Climate change Impact assessment and climate change projections

Climate change capacity development and awareness raising / education

Coastal protection and coastal dyke against sea level rise

Protection against saline intrusion in coastal zone

10% to 49%

Hydrometeorology, early warning

Livelihood improvement targeting communities affected by climate change


River dyke and embankments

Water quality and supply

Rural development and food security

Forest conservation and development

Residential and city area resilience to extreme weather events

Public health and social services targeting communities affected by climate change and/or climate-sensitive diseases (vector-bone / water-borne / health impacts of extreme weather events and increasing temperatures)

Water management and treatment

Disaster specific infrastructure

Strengthening disaster risk reduction

Weighting between 2% to 9%

Policy, tax and incentive structure for climate change mitigation / GHG reduction

Sectoral GHG reduction plans and coordination between bodies

Technology for energy efficiency and low GHGs emission

Transportation (reducing exposure of infrastructures to flood)

Energy generation in new model for energy saving

Energy efficiency

Energy efficiency in industry and construction

Contribution to GHG emission reduction in tourism

less than

e.g. Transportation in general

e.g. Normal Infrastructure and construction with no indication of climate proofing or climate change mitigation measures




CSDGs Markers


To support the global commitment to realize the 2030 Agenda on Sustainable Development, the Royal Government of Cambodia has contextualized the Sustainable Development Goals to the national context and craft a fully localized set of targets – the Cambodia SDGs Framework. To align with this commitment, the Cambodian Rehabilitation and Development Board of the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CRDB/CDC) has created a new feature in the Cambodia ODA Database, as outlined in the Question 15c, to track and record the support from development partners.

The table below indicates the 18 goals, listed in the question 15c, and derived from the Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals Framework 2016-2030.


Cambodia Sustainable Development Goals



No Poverty



Zero Hunger



Good Health and Well-Being



Quality Education



Gender Equality



Clean Water and Sanitation



Affordable and Clean Energy



Decent Work and Economic Growth



Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure



Reduced Inequalities



Sustainable Cities and Communities



Responsible Consumption and Production



Climate Action



Life Below Water



Life on Land



Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions



Partnerships for the Goals



Cambodia Mine/ERW Free



How to choose and identify the percentage of budget support to CSDGs

To choose specific CSDGs, data entry focal points may refer to the main sector(s) identified in question 15a and consult with the list of sectors and Goals below. This Guideline is not intended to be prescriptive but, rather, provides a broader aspect regarding investment-related to CSDGs. For further detail on how to identify CSDGs that the project supports, please refer to the CSDGs framework.

NOTE: Choose NO more than 3 Goals by filling the percentage based on activities and programme budget that support CSDGs, and the total percentage shall not exceed 100%. The chosen Goal(s) should be consistent with question 15a and 15b (for gender and climate change), explicitly mentioned in the project document, or have a specific objective or dedicated fund.


Cambodia SDGs



No Poverty



Zero Hunger

-        Agriculture


Good Health and Well-Being

-        Health

-        HIV/AIDS


Quality Education

-        Education


Gender Equality

-        Gender


Clean Water and Sanitation

-        Water and Sanitation

-        Rural Development


Affordable and Clean Energy

-        Energy, Power and Electricity


Decent Work and Economic Growth

-        Industrialisation and Trade

-        Business & Financial Services

-        Tourism


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

-        Industrialisation and Trade

-        Transportation

-        Technology, Information and Communications


Reduced Inequalities

-        Social Protection

-        Emergency and food aid

-        Community and Social Services


Sustainable Cities and Communities

-        Urban Plan and Management

-        Community and Social Services

-        Water and Sanitation

-        Environmental and Sustainability


Responsible Consumption and Production

-        Environment and sustainability

-        Water and Sanitation


Climate Action

-        Climate Change


Life Below Water

-        Environment and sustainability

-        Agriculture


Life on Land

-        Environment and sustainability

-        Agriculture


Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

-        Governance and Administration

-        Budget and BoP Support


Partnerships for the Goals

-        Governance and Administration


Cambodia Mine/ERW Free

-        Rural Development




Cambodia Sustainable

Development Goals



No Poverty

The support to end poverty in all its forms everywhere through:

-        Reduce poverty in all its dimensions

-        Implement nationally appropriate social protection systems and measures for all, including floors and achieve substantial coverage of the poor and the vulnerable

-        Ensure all men and women, in particular the poor and the vulnerable, have equal rights to economic resources, access to basic service, ownership and control over land and other forms of property, inheritance, natural resources, appropriate new technological and financial services


Zero Hunger

Support to end hunger, achieve food security and improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture through:

-        End all forms of malnutrition in children, and address the nutritional needs of adolescent girls, pregnant and lactating women and older persons

-        Improve agricultural productivity and incomes of small-scale food producers

-        Ensure sustainable food production systems and implement resilient agricultural practices

-        Maintain genetic diversity of seeds, cultivated plants and farmed and domesticated animals through soundly managed and diversified seed and plant banks at the national, and international levels, and promote access to fair and equitable sharing of benefits

-        Increase investment in rural infrastructure, agricultural research and extensive services, technological development, plant and livestock gene banks


Good Health and Well-Being

Support to ensure healthy lives and promote well-being through:

-        Ensure health and well-being of Cambodian people and financial risk protection

-        Reduce the maternal mortality rate and end preventable deaths of new-born and children under 5 years of age;

-        End the epidemics of AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other communicable diseases;

-        Reduce premature mortality from non-communicable diseases and promote mental health;

-        Strengthen the prevention and treatment of substance abuse;

-        Halve the deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents;

-        Ensure access to sexual and reproductive health-care services;

-        Increase health financing and recruitment, development, training and retention of the health workforce


Quality Education

Support to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities through:

-        Ensure that all girls and boys complete free, equitable and quality primary and secondary education; have access to quality early childhood development and pre-primary education;

-        Ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education;

-        Eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable

-        Ensure that all youth and adults achieve literacy and numeracy;

-        Build and upgrade education facilities that are child-, disability- and gender-sensitive;

-        Increase qualified teachers


Gender Equality

The support to achieving gender equality and empower all women and girls through:

-        End all forms of discrimination and violence against women and girls

-        Ensure fully and efficiently participation of women and equal opportunity in leadership in all levels in political, economic and public life

-        Ensure access to sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights


Clean Water and Sanitation

The support to ensure the availability and sustainability management of water and sanitation through:

-        Improve access to safe and affordable drinking water

-        Improve access to sanitation and hygiene

-        Improve water quality and increase water-use efficiency

-        Expand international cooperation and capacity-building in water and sanitation related activities


Affordable and Clean Energy

To ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy through:

-        Secure access to affordable, reliable and modern energy services

-        Increase sustainability and the share of renewable energy

-        Enhance energy efficiency


Decent Work and Economic Growth

The support to promote inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all through:

-        Obtain higher level of economic productivity through diversification, technology advancement and innovation, as well as focus more on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors

-        Promote development-oriented policies to assist production activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, motivate the formalization, and growth of micro-, small-, medium-sized enterprises,

-        Devise and implement policies to promote sustainable tourism

-        Increase Aid for Trade support for Cambodia through the enhanced integration Framework for Trade-related Technical Assistance


Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

To build resilient infrastructure, inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation through:

-        Establish reliable, quality, sustainable and resilient infrastructure

-        Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and raise industry’s contribution to employment and GDP

-        Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors, encourage innovation and enlarge the research and development workers

-        Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development

-        Increase access to information and communication technology and affordable access to internet in Cambodia


Reduced Inequalities

Activities that contribute the reduction of inequalities including:

-        Reduce income inequalities

-        Promote universal social, economic and political inclusion

-        Adopt fiscal, wage and social protection policies that promote equality

-        Implement the principle of special and differential treatment,

-        Encourage development assistance and investment in least developed countries


Sustainable Cities and Communities

Activities that contribute to the sustainable cities and communities including:

-        Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable

-        Reduce the adverse per capita environmental impacts of cities


Responsible Consumption and Production

Activities that contribute to the responsible consumption and production including:

-        Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns

-        Achieve the environmentally sound management of chemicals and all wastes

-        Reduce waste generation through prevention, reduction, recycling and reuse


Climate Action

Activities that contribute to the combat of climate change and its impacts including:

-        Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related disasters

-        Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction, and early warning


Life Below Water

Activities that contribute to the conservation and utilization of the oceans, seas and marine resources including:

-        Prevent and reduce marine pollution

-        Protect and restore ecosystems

-        Provide access for small-scale artisanal fishers to marine resources and markets

-        Conserve coastal and marine areas

-        Increase the economic benefits from sustainable use of marine resources


Life on Land

Activities that contribute to the protection of life on land including:

-        Protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems

-        Manage forests, halt deforestation, and increasing afforestation and reforestation

-        Combat desertification and restore land degradation

-        Halt biodiversity loss and reduce degradation of natural habitats

-        Integrate ecosystem and biodiversity values in national strategies

-        Mobilize resources for conservation and reforestation


Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

Activities that contribute to the promotion of peaceful and inclusive societies including:

-        Support the rule of law and ensure equal access to justice

-        Ensure responsive, inclusive

-        Participatory and representative decision-making

-        Provide legal identity for all


Partnerships for the Goals

Activities that contribute to the enhancement and promotion of effective public, public-private and civil society partnership, North-South, South-South and triangular regional and international cooperation on the access to science, technology and innovation.


Cambodia Mine/Explosive Remnants of War (ERW) Free

Activities that contribute to the clearance of Mine/ERW, the reduction of mine/ERW casualties, and the promotion of the right and quality of life of person disabilities by landmine/ERW.